Winter reflection. Image is available in one universal dimension 1080 x 1920 and is a perfect fit for all iPhones.
Tree and mountains in snow. Image is available in one universal dimension 1080 x 1920 and is a perfect fit for all iPhones.
Winter trees. Image is available in one universal dimension 1080 x 1920 and is a perfect fit for all iPhones.
Sunrise in the Julian Alps over the great Mt. Jalovec. Image is available in two dimensions (1136 x 640 and 1334 x 750) and is a perfect fit for Iphones 5,5c,5s and 6 and 6s. It will also work good on most other mobile devices.
Mystic mountain sunset in Dolomites mountains can be a perfect iphone wallpaper. Image is available in two dimensions (1136 x 640 and 1334 x 750) and is a perfect fit for Iphones 5,5c,5s and 6 and 6s.
Beautiful Dolomites scenery by lake Antorno. Image is available in two dimensions (1136 x 640 and 1334 x 750) and is a perfect fit for Iphones 5,5c,5s and 6 and 6s. It will also work good on most other mobile devices.
Road on Pokljuka plateau in winter time. Image is available in two dimensions (1136 x 640 and 1334 x 750) and is a perfect fit for Iphones 5,5c,5s and 6.
Mangart mountain and the road below. Image is available in two dimensions (1136 x 640 and 1334 x 750) and is a perfect fit for Iphones 5,5c,5s and 6.
Mojstrovka offers amazing night views of the towns below and the milky way above. Image is available in two dimensions (1136 x 640 and 1334 x 750) and is a perfect fit for Iphones 5,5c,5s and 6.
Mystic forests of Pokljuka can make a perfect dark iphone wallpaper. Image is available in two dimensions (1136 x 640 and 1334 x 750) and is a perfect fit for Iphones 5,5c,5s and 6.
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