Mojstrovka is one of the most prominent peaks in the Julian Alps. It’s easily accessible from the south side, while the north one presents more of a challenge. I usually take the north side (a lot of climbing, but well secured), but this time around I took the south trail. The descent was in almost complete darkness and I want to check the path on my way up.
I underestimated my abilities and got to the top way to early and it was definitely not comfortable waiting for the sunset in the strong wind. I started to take panoramic shots of the nearby mountain landscape.
And a closeup of Slovenian’s highest mountain, Triglav, with Kredarica cottage on the left.
Finally after almost one hour of tiresome waiting some action started to happen on the horizon.
Portrait of my dog basking in the sun is always mandatory.
My favorite image of the trip was taken just before the sun went behind the mighty Mangart.
The sun moved behind the clouds and the nearby mountains started to look like they’re engulfed in fire.
After the sunset I quickly started descending as I wanted to get back to mountain pass Vrsic before the dark. On the way down I noticed how the horizon is lit with beautiful shades of orange and yellow.
Mountain pass Vrsic is the highest mountain pass in Slovenia. There are two cottages at the top that are visible in this night shot of the pass.
Stay tuned, for more trips to the high mountains.
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